
I am a:
* Certified, Registered & Insured Counsellor
* Spiritual Life Coach
* Intuitive Guide
* Certified Sound Energy Healer
* Shamanic Practitioner
* Reiki Master
* Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator
* Numerologist & Card Reader
* An Empowering Workshop Facilitator
* I facilitate Corporate Mindfulness Meditation Classes

* I offer one-on-one sessions, couple’s sessions and group sessions, as well as sessions via Zoom.

I specialise in assisting clients to shift energetic blockages, old thought patterns and limiting conditioning. Through a range of healing modalities, I help clients to release the energetic imprint of past trauma, as well as anxiety and fear, so clients can step into a more empowered and peaceful path moving forward.

I help to relax the body, calm the mind and soothe the heart. and to help clients not only connect to their light, but also their dark, their ‘shadow side’, and to accept and embrace it all.


THE WILLOW ROOM is located at 243 High Street, WAUCHOPE NSW 2446.

A space for private face-to-face sessions, as well as small group workshops and classes.

Our greatest disappointments, pain, regrets and challenges provide us with our greatest opportunities for inner growth and transformation.

My Heart-led Counselling and Spiritual Life Coaching provides a safe space for clients to look within and start the journey of self-empowerment.

My clients feel safe, seen, and heard fully during their counselling and coaching sessions and my attitude is, “there’s always a way” helps to motivate my clients to capable of achieving their dreams.

I definitely promote self-confidence and self-actualization for my clients which helps them to create long-term transformation!

I am currently working with individuals both in Australia and internationally.


I walk comfortably between the two worlds – the practical business

world, and everyday life and family issues; and the incredibly vast

energetic and spiritual world.

I’m like a bridge between the two. 

Bernie's Qualifications:

  • Certified, Registered & Insured Counsellor
    Diploma Health Courses Australia
    - Spiritual Life Coach

    - Certified Shamanic Practitioner - Dancing Moons Shamanic Centre, Inch, Gorey Co Wexford, Ireland

- Certified Sound Energy Healer – Diploma Nadabrahma Health Academy, Hill of Tara, Ireland

- Certified Yoga Teacher – Byron Bay Yoga Centre, Australia

- Certified Yin Yoga Teacher – Jyoti Soul Yoga, Dublin, Ireland

- Certified Quantum Reiki Master - Anjola

-Certified Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator

- Certified Workshop Facilitator – Heatherash Amara

- Author – Woman of Clay and The Sacred Grove


THE WILLOW ROOM is my business and my space of healing, wherever I go.

For me the willow tree is symbolic of Healing, Resilience, and Hope, and has strong connections to Water and the Feminine. It is a gentle reminder to bend with life, to surrender, to flow, to remain flexible and to adapt.

It is a tree associated with water, symbolic of ebb and flow, and with flow comes healing. When we give our emotions, our pain, anxieties, fears, regrets, betrayals, grief, disappointments and insecurities a positive space to be heard and released, healing can occur.

Also associated with the Moon, the willow tree has strong connections and symbolism to our emotions and psychic ability.

It is also a survivor! Often a new willow tree takes root from a single branch that has fallen off the main tree into water, reminding us to keep going, to keep growing, and to continue to reach upwards no matter where one finds themselves.

The willow tree is deciduous, losing its leaves every autumn, symbolic of allowing the old to make way for the new. The trunk of the willow is often curved this way and that, leaning to one side, reaching to another, symbolic of adjusting to the conditions.

The willow tree fosters a sense of hope within us, reminding us that we can weather the storms, bear new growth and embrace hope and healing!

"When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace”  

Author Unknown